International NodeBots Day, Brisbane


We couldn’t be more excited to sponsor International NodeBots Day 2016, Brisbane. On July 23rd our engineers and creatives will be let out of their bunkers to join a team of students, fully-fledged developers, and everyone in between to write some slick JavaScript,  play with a tonne of cool hardware to build a mega-robot capable of parking a Tesla whilst talking to Siri and queueing up a track on Amazon’s Alexa. Maybe not, but you get the idea.

From their website:

Nodebots, the idea, was first conceived out of the increasing visibility of hardware creation and control within the upstart node.js community… NodeBots Day is not a hackathon. There will be no prizes other than the satisfaction of making something awesome! There will be very little in the way of talks. We’re going to get together, collaborate, and hack.

Our sponsorship has gone towards subsidising and creating free tickets because we believe anyone and everyone should have access to create, develop and destroy in the name of fun and learning. It has also resulted in the purchase of additional mbot kits (programmable-robot-bluetooth-arduino-kits) that will be added to the communal pool and allow for future workshops to be run. Building a community of local designers, developers, and tinkerers is important to us as a company, and we are happy to invest in our future peers, colleagues, and the industry.

Feel free to join us! Our team will be the ones in matching t-shirts, excitedly building killer robots. We will be happy to share our knowledge, and hopefully learn something from you as well. It will be a pretty fun day with robots, drinks, and snacks. Who knows, at the very least there may be a SumoBot battle in it for you. What more could you possibly ask from a Saturday?

Find tickets here:

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